

23 AUTOR/ Elena Méndez Díaz-Villabella, Fundadora de TRENDTIONARY. Trendtionary es una nueva plataforma social digital que quiere inspirar nuevos conceptos, tendencias y significados en management, y en la que los usuarios pueden consultar términos, comentar, votar y también aportar. Nace con la intención de desarrollar y conectar nuevos términos que inspiren a profesionales y empresas para construir un futuro mejor. ¿COLABORAS EN TRENDTIONARY? DEJA TU HUELLA EN EL DICCIONARIO COLABORATIVO DEL NUEVO MANAGEMENT MÁS INFORMACIÓN / Anímate a dejar tu huela en el diccionario colaborativo del nuevo management y propón tu concepto y su co-rrespondiente definición a: CONCEPTO 1 THE TRIPPLE T (LA TRIPLE T) Por Sonia Aparicio Talent + Team Work + Technology. Talento + Trabajo en equipo + Tecnología. Es necesario el engranaje perfecto de estos tres elemen-tos para la consecuión de los mejores resultados: 1. Captar, retener y fomentar el talento 2. Fomentar el trabajo en equipo. 3. Uso e integración herramientas 2.0. CONCEPTO 2 ZERO-HOUR CONTRACTS Por Elena Méndez Díaz-Villabella What if employers had the upper hand in structuring contractual conditions to meet their specific needs? If zero-hour contracts, and similar flexible arrangements, became the norm, what would the labour market of 2030 look like? Referencias & Web Links: Eg: A zero-hour contract is a contractemployment used in the United Kingdom which, while meeting the terms of the Employment Rights Act 1996 by providing a written statement of the terms and conditions of employment, contains provisions which create an “on call” arrangement between employer and employee. It does not oblige the employer to provide work for the employee. The employee agrees to be available for work as and when required, so that no particular number of hours or times of work are specified. The employee is expected to be and receives compensation only for hours worked. Zero-hour contracts may be suits for some people such as retirees and students who want occasional earnings and are able to be entirely flexible about when they work, but people in the general working population, including those with mortgages and responsibility for supporting a family, run the risk of unpredictable hours and earnings. The possibility of the use of such contracts by manage-ment as a tool to reward or reprimand employees for any reason or no reason raises issues about how workers can adequately assert their employment rights or maintain decent employment relations. › › › the%20future%20of%20work%20key%20 findings%20edit.pdf

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